well, almost everyday...



The idea for this is a straight rip-off of Scott McCloud's Morning Improv. Scott's idea was to let his readers participate by sending him titles for future webcomics he would, after picking the one he liked best from all of them, then draw based on those very titles.

Additionally, Scott tries to produce and upload at least one panel a day to his website.

I wanted to do more or less the same. But at first I neither wanted nor saw the possibilities of going public with this. So I let the rest of the Radical Artist Foundation (then being Endpunkt, Paranoianova and Amanda) choose 9 titles, 3 titles each, and send them to me anonomyously. From those I picked the one I liked best and started drawing, uploading at least one panel each day (or, at least I tried). Thus the original 8 Everydaycomics came to be.

Now, after a long hiatus, the Everydaycomics are open for the whole public of the internet to participate. Just come up with what you think would be a good title for an interesting comic and send away.


everything on this site © 2003 by zerofoks (zerofoksradicalartistfoundation.de)
re-using any of this material in any form is prohibited without the written consent of the author.