well, almost everyday...


My mission:
To draw comics based on the titles sent to me by my readers. To choose one title for my next comic and then try to upload at least one panel for that comic every day until I am finished. Then to repeat the process until death.

Your mission:
To send me one or more of these titles so that I have a huge batch to choose from. To think of something that would make a good, interesting title that leaves me enough room to do something creative with it (i.e. nothing too long nor too precise).

your name:

e-mail (optional)*:

suggested title:

* = If you want to be credited in any way, I need to contact you. Your email adress will not be made public, given to third parties nor used for any commercial purpose.

If you encounter an error with the script, please don't hesistate to tell me:


everything on this site © 2003 by zerofoks (zerofoksradicalartistfoundation.de)
re-using any of this material in any form is prohibited without the written consent of the author.